Saturday, April 30, 2022

Going back in time!

 After Lily's soccer game we enjoyed lunch and then headed to Fiedlers Green to watch the Civil War Reenactment. 

Fiedlers Green is just beautiful and I had never seen a reenactment and it is just crazy to think that what we saw was real life back in the past. To think you are in your home...trying to take care of your family while there is a battle happening right on your land.

Just unbelievable. 

It felt like we were back in time, today, as we relived our History.

Walking up to the beautiful home!

Yeah...Alexis said she was hot......I made sure to point out to her....that THIS was the attire for girls back in those times. Yeah...I think this girl was hotter!

Even has a mercantile shop! The people sat out on the front porch. Everything seemed so real!

I love the little Church! There were tents with all sorts of things to purchase!

It was fun looking at everything!

Even this house had a 'family' sitting around! They were even acting like she was cooking a peach was really neat!

All of a sudden....the battle began! 

Facing up with each other. It is hard for me to think this is how battles were fought. To just stand there and know you are more than likely going to die. 

It was so real!

Today....confederates won! We spent time with Aunt Pam and Richard enjoying the afternoon! It was a great way to end the day!

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