Sunday, January 29, 2023

Our weekend!

 I had a pretty low-key weekend!

Everyone else lived their best life! But...I was totally fine with a Wal-Mart run and lounging in my comfy's!

Friday the girls supported Callie in her basketball game and ended up doing dinner and spending the night with them that left Tyler and I with a Netflix and chill night that wasnt planned! So relaxing!

Then Saturday was full of Alexis had basketball games {she refused to let me take a picture, shocking I know!} followed by Lily went to the Alabama Ballet to see Cinderella with the Messer girls while Tyler, Brandon and Chris went to dinner and a hockey game in Birmingham. Since that was unexpected, it left me with a whole house and chill kind of night! I watched chick flicks and relaxed! :)

Today was full of Church and relaxing again since it is nothing but cold and nasty rain outside!

She looked cute and was ready for her fun evening!

He looked cute too before he left so they got a picture together!

Ready for the show!
From the pictures I received, it looked like a beautiful performance!

JHS played Ramsay which are apparently number 1 in 5A and we lost. Alexis said it was not a fun game. :(

Today....she worked on her walk. She has no idea I took this picture...because she specifically told me....dont take one. :)

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Wordless on a Thursday!

 Im doing better! 

Its been a struggle lately and I have never struggled with posting!

Monday, January 23, 2023

Celebrating Meg and baby Miles!

 OH it was so good to celebrate Meg and see her and let her know how excited we are for her and how loved she is!

It was SO good to see Mal and squeeze her! It was a good day!

LOVE this girl and SO excited for her!

Such a great shower for Meg!
The hostesses!

Two peas in a pod! All kids and animals love Lily! Reese kept saying 'Lily, hold my hand peeaassee!' whenever Lily would be doing something else!

Some of the family! Cant wait for us all to meet baby Miles in a couple of months!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

The craziness!

 Well....last night was insane!

The boys won against Piedmont in a great game during the semi-finals! JHS played a great game and it was neck to neck the whole time!

Fast forward to last night.......


A great game...INSANE!

Back and forth and only by a couple of points the whole time.

WE made a THREE to win the game but had called a time-out right before so they didnt LET IT COUNT.

Then Oxford hit and won by 3! 

Insane! SO frustrating because the coliseum exploded......JHS because HOW did it happen and Oxford because they won!

I dont think a JSU basketball game played there has even been that exciting!

So, Calhoun County tournament Runner ups! 

All games...the student section showed up!

They shined out there! You would have thought JSU was out there! :)

Another night....same show out! The finals!

Showing out!

Alexis said she loves to do basketball!

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Wordless Wednesday!

 Havent done one of these in a long while!

County Tournament

 Both the girls and boys teams are in the top 4 of the County tournament.

Last night the boys laid a spanking over Saks. My goodness, it is sad to say I used to go to Saks now. Makes me sad to see how its gone down-hill!

The girls play today and if they win both teams play in she semi-finals tomorrow night.

Talk about...again.. a lot of basketball!

Look at our girl soaking up her Freshman year!

Love it!

There was a huge student section turn-out! Bigger than any other school we have seen AND we had a good bit of our band play too! LOVE!

Out there doing her thing!

Monday, January 16, 2023

When you beat the parents!

 Last night we had family game night since Lily got some new games for Christmas!

One game we played was 'Beat The Parents.'


and what happens when they actually................

beat us............

you make an impromptu trip to get ice cream because that is what was wagered! 

It was a fun game!

 If we won, they would have to cook dinner sometime this week. If they won, then we had to take them to get ice cream!

It was a tight match..........................

with these two..or should I say Lily! She was ON IT with the answers!

What cracked Tyler up....every time both girls were deciding on what question to ask us.....they kept saying ....'Daddy is smart, he will know the answer to it.' ...........................they NEVER said... 'Momma will know the answer'...................... {Insert eye roll here} :) we went! Alllll in our pjs to Dairy Queen....late at night on a get ice cream!

They were beyond thrilled!

This was my view as I worked on moooorrreee school work. These two made lego after lego sets! They were showing me how they made a pet spa!

Sunday, January 15, 2023

3 Things!

 The first couple of weeks in January are always tough with the craziness of school starting back for the girls, JSU students back on campus and me trying to get them situated and with me trying to wrap my head around my classes..............mixed with the 10 billion basketball games....makes for not a lot of posts and a lot of just trying to survive until the weekends! :)

I havent done a 3 Things post in a long while so I am excited to do a recent one because I love these posts!


1. Where do I begin with this one?!? She is growing up SO fast and right before my eyes! Every day it seems like she has changed....and has grown another inch!  I mean...wasnt she just this yesterday???!!

but....................she isnt. Time flies! Just yesterday, I took her to get her very first real make-up! She has learned how to apply it and wore it to Church this morning. {Insert a tear down my face. She is grown} :)

2. Little miss independent and stubborn! Oh me. This one will cross those arms and just refuse whatever if she feels it shouldnt be done or if she feels it isnt being done the right way. Her teacher told me the other day.........that Lily runs her classroom. {Insert she is bossy!} :) 

3. She is constantly quizzing us. Trivia is her thing! Random facts are her thing. 'Did you know....' is her thing. I actually have learned things from her that I didnt know! :)


1. Insert full teenage mode here! All things under the definition of teenager...................has her name beside it! :) I will survive it! :)

2. All things cheer! This girl has cheer every single day...for the whole year ...and loves every second of it. They are doing some intense work-outs right now mixed with practice and she loves to come home and tell us....and show are muscles are getting bigger and how she is close to a 6 pack! :)

3. Crafting. She has always loved and been so good at crafting and drawing and coloring. She goes in spurts where she takes a break from it and then brings it back out. The other week she drew a picture of a hand. It was beautiful! She read that drawing a life-like hand was really difficult to draw....and she mastered it!

Our long weekend with hearts!

 So far our weekend is consisting of basketball.....hearts....laundry.....dinner...Church..and school work with a side of family game night!

Yeah, mine and Tyler's classes have started back...............soooo....ugh! ha!

The Varsity girls had their first game in the Calhoun County basketball tournament. They have literally only won one....maybe allll season.............. BUT {enter eye roll} they won their game............ in a tournament which means.....instead of being done, we have more games for them. Basketball is NEVER ending! ugh! :)

She looked super cute for the game!

Saturday afternoon...evening was a little shopping and dinner at Texas Roadhouse to kick off a long weekend!

The other side of the table!

Got my hearts out! Ready for LOVE!

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Life lately and Alexis' 1st job!

 Our weekend was very low-key and much needed!

Alexis, of course, kept her busy schedule which included a new adventure!

Not only did both girls bring home excellent report cards for the second nine weeks but Alexis started a new job! {Yeah, only got a picture of Lily!} :)

 She had her very 1st official babysitting job! 

Now, she has stayed with Lily and with the Messer girls.......

but Saturday night she kept a 2 year old!

She loved it even though at first she didnt want to do it but she got out of her comfort zone and made some money too! Win-win!

Friday night we watched JHS put a whooping on Alexandria. Alexandria always makes for a great game. I remembered when I cheered it was always fun games against them. 

Showing those Valley girls what they've got!

Alexis and Lily both went to dinner with friends Saturday and then Alexis got home just in time for me to get her to babysit. Meet Grayson. A friend recommended Alexis to a friend she knows so since they live in Eagles Landing and it worked out, Alexis babysat him!
Such a sweetie and a cutie!
I played taxi and answered any questions she had throughout the night while she kept him! :) She said at first he was really shy with her but by the end (to which he was still awake) he wanted her to hold his hand and not leave. I for sure this being something Alexis can keep doing since it worked out!

The rest of the weekend was relaxing and doing laundry! ha! As I type this Lily is enjoying celebrating Camille's birthday with the trampoline place and dinner!

Friday, January 6, 2023

Life Lately with Cocky!


back in the groove! 

 Rocking and rolling with school and work starting  back..............allllllllll the basketball games....and everything  else thrown in the mix.....

has made this week feel like the longest AND we didnt even start until Tuesday! 

But both girls were excited  about school starting back............more because of the social/friend aspect but nonetheless....we are killing the 1st week back to all the things!

 Alexis hung with Cocky last night! We were literally there right at half-time....the girls did a mini version of their routine because we had some missing and then we left but, we got a cute picture!

Look at this awesome mix!

Out there on the court!
Go Eagles!

Monday, January 2, 2023

Polar Plunge!

 New Year's day...

we made a big memory!

We did the Polar Bear Plunge!

Alexis didnt do it....and I wasnt going to at first but then I decided to and I am so glad I did!..............even with the water being really cold! :)

The original four that were going to take the plunge!

New Year's day! 1st picture of 2023!

Two peas in a pod!

Ready to take the plunge!

See us! We are in there! SO fun!...and cold!

Love her expression!

They did it!

Our 'after' picture! {I didnt go fully shame!} :)
The view from up top! They said it was the biggest turn out ever!  We had so much fun ending 2022 and starting 2023! 
We got cleaned up and packed up and headed home after this!