Sunday, January 15, 2023

3 Things!

 The first couple of weeks in January are always tough with the craziness of school starting back for the girls, JSU students back on campus and me trying to get them situated and with me trying to wrap my head around my classes..............mixed with the 10 billion basketball games....makes for not a lot of posts and a lot of just trying to survive until the weekends! :)

I havent done a 3 Things post in a long while so I am excited to do a recent one because I love these posts!


1. Where do I begin with this one?!? She is growing up SO fast and right before my eyes! Every day it seems like she has changed....and has grown another inch!  I mean...wasnt she just this yesterday???!!

but....................she isnt. Time flies! Just yesterday, I took her to get her very first real make-up! She has learned how to apply it and wore it to Church this morning. {Insert a tear down my face. She is grown} :)

2. Little miss independent and stubborn! Oh me. This one will cross those arms and just refuse whatever if she feels it shouldnt be done or if she feels it isnt being done the right way. Her teacher told me the other day.........that Lily runs her classroom. {Insert she is bossy!} :) 

3. She is constantly quizzing us. Trivia is her thing! Random facts are her thing. 'Did you know....' is her thing. I actually have learned things from her that I didnt know! :)


1. Insert full teenage mode here! All things under the definition of teenager...................has her name beside it! :) I will survive it! :)

2. All things cheer! This girl has cheer every single day...for the whole year ...and loves every second of it. They are doing some intense work-outs right now mixed with practice and she loves to come home and tell us....and show are muscles are getting bigger and how she is close to a 6 pack! :)

3. Crafting. She has always loved and been so good at crafting and drawing and coloring. She goes in spurts where she takes a break from it and then brings it back out. The other week she drew a picture of a hand. It was beautiful! She read that drawing a life-like hand was really difficult to draw....and she mastered it!

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