Monday, January 2, 2023

Best way to ring in the new year!

 New year...

full of everything possible to strive for and accomplish!

Cant wait to see what 2023 holds!

We had the best trip and always fun memories made with the Messer's and the Ray's!

Beaching it! We had amazing weather!

These kiddos know how to have the most fun!


The cutest! They have the sweetest bond!

Dancing with the waves.

We saw the sunset....and it was a beautiful way to end a fantastic day!

A girl's lunch and shopping and doing some fun art.....with a little man with us too. :)

They had so much fun creating their masterpieces!

Love all of these smiling faces!

Working hard on her flamingo!

Alexis did a heart!

We put them up in their bathroom and I love it!

Came back and spent the rest of the time enjoying playing outside and crafting and playing games!

The girls!

Dinner time! It started pouring down rain so we all were a little wet. This was the only bad weather time though!

Another beautiful day! They made up dances and had a blast!
They all get along so well!

New Year's eve! We all got 'cute' dressed take pictures! ha! Then we put our comfys on and cooked dinner and enjoyed the night!

The group!

My little family!

They out number us! :)

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