Sunday, January 29, 2023

Our weekend!

 I had a pretty low-key weekend!

Everyone else lived their best life! But...I was totally fine with a Wal-Mart run and lounging in my comfy's!

Friday the girls supported Callie in her basketball game and ended up doing dinner and spending the night with them that left Tyler and I with a Netflix and chill night that wasnt planned! So relaxing!

Then Saturday was full of Alexis had basketball games {she refused to let me take a picture, shocking I know!} followed by Lily went to the Alabama Ballet to see Cinderella with the Messer girls while Tyler, Brandon and Chris went to dinner and a hockey game in Birmingham. Since that was unexpected, it left me with a whole house and chill kind of night! I watched chick flicks and relaxed! :)

Today was full of Church and relaxing again since it is nothing but cold and nasty rain outside!

She looked cute and was ready for her fun evening!

He looked cute too before he left so they got a picture together!

Ready for the show!
From the pictures I received, it looked like a beautiful performance!

JHS played Ramsay which are apparently number 1 in 5A and we lost. Alexis said it was not a fun game. :(

Today....she worked on her walk. She has no idea I took this picture...because she specifically told me....dont take one. :)

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