Sunday, January 8, 2023

Life lately and Alexis' 1st job!

 Our weekend was very low-key and much needed!

Alexis, of course, kept her busy schedule which included a new adventure!

Not only did both girls bring home excellent report cards for the second nine weeks but Alexis started a new job! {Yeah, only got a picture of Lily!} :)

 She had her very 1st official babysitting job! 

Now, she has stayed with Lily and with the Messer girls.......

but Saturday night she kept a 2 year old!

She loved it even though at first she didnt want to do it but she got out of her comfort zone and made some money too! Win-win!

Friday night we watched JHS put a whooping on Alexandria. Alexandria always makes for a great game. I remembered when I cheered it was always fun games against them. 

Showing those Valley girls what they've got!

Alexis and Lily both went to dinner with friends Saturday and then Alexis got home just in time for me to get her to babysit. Meet Grayson. A friend recommended Alexis to a friend she knows so since they live in Eagles Landing and it worked out, Alexis babysat him!
Such a sweetie and a cutie!
I played taxi and answered any questions she had throughout the night while she kept him! :) She said at first he was really shy with her but by the end (to which he was still awake) he wanted her to hold his hand and not leave. I for sure this being something Alexis can keep doing since it worked out!

The rest of the weekend was relaxing and doing laundry! ha! As I type this Lily is enjoying celebrating Camille's birthday with the trampoline place and dinner!

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