Saturday, January 21, 2023

The craziness!

 Well....last night was insane!

The boys won against Piedmont in a great game during the semi-finals! JHS played a great game and it was neck to neck the whole time!

Fast forward to last night.......


A great game...INSANE!

Back and forth and only by a couple of points the whole time.

WE made a THREE to win the game but had called a time-out right before so they didnt LET IT COUNT.

Then Oxford hit and won by 3! 

Insane! SO frustrating because the coliseum exploded......JHS because HOW did it happen and Oxford because they won!

I dont think a JSU basketball game played there has even been that exciting!

So, Calhoun County tournament Runner ups! 

All games...the student section showed up!

They shined out there! You would have thought JSU was out there! :)

Another night....same show out! The finals!

Showing out!

Alexis said she loves to do basketball!

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