Sunday, January 15, 2023

Our long weekend with hearts!

 So far our weekend is consisting of basketball.....hearts....laundry.....dinner...Church..and school work with a side of family game night!

Yeah, mine and Tyler's classes have started back...............soooo....ugh! ha!

The Varsity girls had their first game in the Calhoun County basketball tournament. They have literally only won one....maybe allll season.............. BUT {enter eye roll} they won their game............ in a tournament which means.....instead of being done, we have more games for them. Basketball is NEVER ending! ugh! :)

She looked super cute for the game!

Saturday afternoon...evening was a little shopping and dinner at Texas Roadhouse to kick off a long weekend!

The other side of the table!

Got my hearts out! Ready for LOVE!

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