Monday, January 16, 2023

When you beat the parents!

 Last night we had family game night since Lily got some new games for Christmas!

One game we played was 'Beat The Parents.'


and what happens when they actually................

beat us............

you make an impromptu trip to get ice cream because that is what was wagered! 

It was a fun game!

 If we won, they would have to cook dinner sometime this week. If they won, then we had to take them to get ice cream!

It was a tight match..........................

with these two..or should I say Lily! She was ON IT with the answers!

What cracked Tyler up....every time both girls were deciding on what question to ask us.....they kept saying ....'Daddy is smart, he will know the answer to it.' ...........................they NEVER said... 'Momma will know the answer'...................... {Insert eye roll here} :) we went! Alllll in our pjs to Dairy Queen....late at night on a get ice cream!

They were beyond thrilled!

This was my view as I worked on moooorrreee school work. These two made lego after lego sets! They were showing me how they made a pet spa!

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