Monday, January 2, 2023

Polar Plunge!

 New Year's day...

we made a big memory!

We did the Polar Bear Plunge!

Alexis didnt do it....and I wasnt going to at first but then I decided to and I am so glad I did!..............even with the water being really cold! :)

The original four that were going to take the plunge!

New Year's day! 1st picture of 2023!

Two peas in a pod!

Ready to take the plunge!

See us! We are in there! SO fun!...and cold!

Love her expression!

They did it!

Our 'after' picture! {I didnt go fully shame!} :)
The view from up top! They said it was the biggest turn out ever!  We had so much fun ending 2022 and starting 2023! 
We got cleaned up and packed up and headed home after this!

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