Tuesday, March 12, 2024

A blessing that you didnt know you needed in a Book Club!

 So, over Christmas, I was asked to be in a Book Club.

I had heard of book clubs and knew the 'gist' of them but had never been in one. I have done several Bible Studies, etc but never a book club where you read a lot of books! ha!

I enjoy reading and so when I was asked, I was excited to be apart of it! They only allow 11 women. There are rules! I didnt know rules were included in book clubs, but apparently there are! :) So, I was honored when I found out I was selected! :)

Well, last night I hosted! My month is March so we had dinner and discussed our monthly book.

It was SUCH a blessing and a lovely evening sitting and chatting, eating with everyone! 

Three had to miss because JSU is having their accreditation this week (it only happens every 10 years) (I actually had to meet with the accrediting team earlier in the day. Yeah, it was nerve racking) so they had to be stationed at the Hampton Inn to work on all things accreditation so they could not make it.

I so enjoy hosting and having gatherings so when it was my turn, I had fun with the decor and meal!

It was a good time! Even though we only meet once a month, it has been so great to get to know the ladies and share 'life' with them!

I have enjoyed getting to know all of them!

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