Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Not my...but their...first rodeo!

 Tyler and I love the rodeo!

When we were dating at Auburn, we would go to the one in Montgomery and it was a lot of fun!

Taking the girls to the same one for their first time, was even better!

Alexis and Lily, both, didnt really like how the cowboys wrangled the baby cows necks to do the rope tie portion....

which was understandable because I do not like that as much either but we all loved the barrel racing and especially when the girls did their turn! Those cowgirls............were fast!

These cowgirls and cowboys were excited for the show!

This is my cowboy!

It was SO good to be there..........and catch up with SO many old college friends! Thanks for our friend Leigha, we had the VIP experience and go to go this tent before it started that had tons of foods, drinks, desserts, etc that was all free! All the kids were in Heaven! :) So...........while we were in there.......we ran into so many former frat brothers of Tylers, my dear old friend Kat, and it just made my day to hug her neck and catch up with everyone!

It was so great!

Alexis snapped this great picture of Lily!

Ready to go!

Thanks to Leigha....we had front row seats and had the best view!

My country crew! ha!

Living their best cowgirl life!

Found our seats!

I mean the view was perfection!

I mean...when is the last time you saw a horse sit down in a car and drive off! We were amazed! :)

We ventured out and saw the Montgomery sights after! The capitol of Alabama!

It was a gorgeous day and a gorgeous building! We ended this fun day with a great dinner at a new place in Sylacauga before heading home!

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