Monday, March 4, 2024

My most favorite thing with my family!

 It makes my heart so happy and me smile SO big when the weather turns beautiful and we are able to bike ride together!

Nothing is better than taking off from our house and hitting the trail!

It does my soul good!

Yesterday was perfection! We had Church then lunch with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi so we enjoyed that and then came home and headed out!

The weather was beautiful and we soaked it up!

I just love riding with them and checking out 'Turtle Lake' as we call it!

A sweet older lady was walking her dog and stopped at the lake while we were there and she calls it Goose pond! So it is funny how each of us title it how we feel! :)

A couple of things to note on our ride that made me smile and is something I want to hold as memories!

1. Tyler had to raise Lily's bike seat up A LOT since last year's rides! Meaning.....she has GROWN!...A LOT! It was just yesterday her little legs gave all they could to keep up with us....and now...she is flying past us and having to have her seat raised as high as mine! :)

2. Tyler rode almost the entire way back...............without any hands! I just do not know how he does it.........especially as long as he does!

I tried to do it...and would have to put them down to 'catch' myself...all the while Alexis is screaming at me that if I break my will be my fault! :)

I cherish these times and memories with my not so little family!

She impressed herself....that everything she had on....matched her bike...and her sunglasses! ha!

Always my favorite thing is to take a picture like this of them riding in front of me!

To the where our new Church will be built! Tyler mentioned that we can ride our bikes to Church. Lily didnt approve and she flatly stated...she will not be riding her bike in a dress! ha! :)

OHHHH.....on of my most favorite spots! EVER!

And...all of our bikes...and the colors make me happy!

These two...goodness...time sure does fly!

And this one....he's a keeper.

Spent the rest of the day...doing laundry, Wal-Mart run, cleaning our my car, mopping....ya know...that stuff!

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