Friday, March 29, 2024

I had a visitor!

 It doesnt happen as much anymore now that they are older. I used to love when they would be 'sick' or just want to 'hang out' in my office. I would bring their comfy Pottery Barn chair with their name on it, Rainer, my tech co-worker, would set up this box TV that had a DVD combined and I would bring DVD's for them to watch their favorite Disney movies while they colored in their coloring books, etc!

Well, now they have real school and dont get to visit as much but yesterday, Alexis got to hang out with me for an hour in between her SUPER BUSY schedule and life!

It was nice to have her with me for a bit!

She would on school work while I worked before she had to head to the JHS baseball game and then to dinner with friends. 

My goodness, I know I say it alot, but time sure does fly!

So, I enjoyed my view until it was time for her to go!

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