Monday, March 4, 2024

Our weekend!

 The weather is somewhat finally cooperating with us and allowing some sunshine and warmth. 

My goodness, I am ready for it! The cold and dreary rain............can go!

Im ready for sunshine, and Spring and warm sunny days!

We had a low key weekend so it was nice to get out and about since the weather was better!

Friday it rained and was dark ALLLL day long! It was miserable!

BUT by the late afternoon, the rain ended so we made the most of it and had a long and overdue date night with the Bentleys! We havent seen them in months so it was great to catch up and enjoy a good meal at a new place to try! Ended with coffee at a new coffee spot to make it a great night!

Funny how life works! We werent very close in high school.......but now, it is just like we click! Love her!

 Alexis and her crew for the Pancake breakfast to get started on her DD hours!

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