Sunday, March 31, 2024


 Sweet Aubie!

He is truly the sweetest and most obedient cat! Rarely is he ever doing something 'bad' but if and when he does, all I ever even have to do is snap my fingers or just say his name and he stops/knows!

He loves to meow...and meow...and meow when he wants someone to pet him or wants attention. He will come up to me and just look at me and meow and sit there like please talk to me and pet me. Then he will move on over to Tyler and do the same thing.

BUT...when he is hungry. He will sit SO beautifully beside his food bowl. And just sit there. He will not move or meow or anything. Just sits there and waits. We always know when the bowl is empty and he is hungry because he is over there sitting by it. He will NOT eat until after Soccer gets finished eating (even though there are two bowls so he can eat at the same time) unless we tell him to. Then he will walk over to the other bowl and eat. If we do not, then he sits there and waits until Soccer leaves and then goes to eat.

He poops in one litterbox and then pees in the other one. I just think that is the funniest thing. Soccer....just does whatever! ha!

Those dang hairballs....are the only thing that drives me crazy but other than that.............he is perfection! :)

I mean...look how beautiful our buddy is!

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