Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Our Reese stayed with us!

 We have been sooooo excited knowing a special 3 year old was getting to stay with us! She did so good and we had the best time with her! It was her first time with us but will NOT be her last! It was her first time being around cats...and to watch her with Aubie and Soccer was so funny! She wanted to love on them and pull their tail....and just have them right in her lap! Soccer was fine with allll of it. Aubie...not so much but he tolerated most of it and then just avoided her the rest! ha!

After Church...us girls...headed to Pell City and had lunch and did some shopping before it was time to meet Mal to get her!

By the time we got home....they played and played with baby dolls the rest of the night before watching every Mickey and Minnie mouse show they could find! Reese said it was her favorite! :)

This 3 year old.......was glued to Lily! She wanted to hug her during the picture! :)

Monday we had to make a pit stop at the Orthodontist for Lily.........then hit the streets to Bham to do more shopping and then take a sweet little one to dance class! Alexis found her Elite night dress...and we got some other goodies to make the trip a success!
PF Changs for the lunch win!
The other side of the table!

Shopping success! Reese wanted to pose this way for the picture! Hmmm...okay! :)
Our ballerina ready for class! It took all 3 of us to get her dressed .....but we did it and she was ready!

We even got to preview her pictures! It was a great day!

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