Friday, March 22, 2024

Taking advantage of beautiful days!

 Beautiful and sunny, warm, days are hard to come by these days so since we had a couple during our week off.............we have soaked up getting outside and enjoying it!

Wednesday three of us went for a run!...............well...........2 of us did, while the male of the house...was bossy and decided he was our personal trainer and rode his bike while telling us to run faster, we need to pick up the pace, etc!..............yeah! :)

Then Thursday the whole gang went on a bike ride and picnic! I LOVE doing this during Spring break and our picnic did not disappoint!

Topped off with Dugger Mountain made for a fabulous day!

My cute running buddy stretching it out before our run! I love running! I love that she wants to run with me now!

2 of us running.................the other..........on the bike...........being bossy! :)

Beautiful 2 days in a row! LOVE my view!

Perfect spot for lunch!

This one isnt so little anymore...but loved that her Daddy pushed her!

Her legs go on for days!

Checking out the creek before riding back home!

Nothing better than a treat from Dugger after a ride!

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