Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Peace OUT its Summer!

 In the world of JSU.............

it is Summer time!

Classes are OVER and graduation is Friday!

I still have a busy Summer ahead but it always seems to be less stressful and throw in days off and vacations....and it is perfection!

So, our annual CHPW lunch was to PEACE out its Summer!

Not nearly everyone! Love my co-workers!

This group is always fun!

Monday, April 29, 2024

My grandmother's heels!

 I can bet that my grandmother has NO idea the number of shoes, sandals...heels, comfy...and the list goes on in her closet! 

I cannot tell you the number of shoes that she has given me throughout the years too. I wonder what some of the ones she has given me went through as they have scratches on them, part of the shoe coming off...etc...as she tells me that.... 

her famous line...

'I have only worn these one time!'.....................

I have no idea what she put a lot of them through 'that one time' but none the less, I get them because I am the only one in the family with the same shoe size as her and I am the only one that she thinks will actually wear them and is deserving of them.

So, for allllll the ones that I have had to discard through the years.....

during my Texas weekend....

I wore a pair she has given me..........

in honor of her! :)

I thought of her the whole time I wore them and felt honored to have them on! I have NO idea how she wore them....or what she did in them....but they officially killed my feet by the end of the night....but they were beautiful and I had a GREAT time in them!

In honor of Nannie.................

these beautiful heels! :)

Lily HAS braces!


she has been waiting for this day.............

for years!

She has wanted braces for SO long but due to her mouth shape, size, teeth not wanting to come out or grow back in...............

she just has had her challenges. 

Well, today was the DAY!

As I type this, she said that her mouth is pretty sore...........but she ate dinner well and is currently at track practice..........

so...she's good! :)




Cant wait to see her growth and change with them! See you back on 2 years! :)

Alexis and the Cola factory!

 Being in clubs has its perks!

Today Lex and the Key Club took off to ATL and enjoyed the Coke a Cola Factory and then a fun lunch before heading back to school!

She had a great time and it was a nice little change than just having to sit in class all day! :)

There was a big group! It was a beautiful day for them and happy they had fun!

OH Texas!

 Oh what a weekend!

I had the best trip with the best people visiting and celebrating one of my most favorite people and family.

To get to be a part of the celebration of the first FEMALE President of a University was surreal!

Texas Wesleyan University has a good one and we are so excited for her!

The inauguration and the gala were just wonderful! Spending time with them and the HUGE group from JSU that came, was icing on the cake!

The trio! We were up and out early! Caught our flight...and had the best morning/afternoon together getting to Texas on Thursday!

That night....we met up with everyone at the hotel and had dinner and then alllll ended up at the QT gas station to check it out! Yes, I did say....a gas station. We checked out a gas station....

because per Misty, it is the best gas station in the world..... (she is obsessed with gas stations).....the rest of us were not impressed! But, it was a fun time!

The next morning was THIS! I mean, amazing! All of the 'big dogs' were in attendance. The mayor of Fort Worth and the list goes on. I just sat in amazement of the entire day and night. Just fancy and prestigious..............and just wow at what I got to experience...just because of one of my best friends and how awesome she is! :)

The girls! My babies! I just love them!

We are so proud of her!

I mean...could there be anymore JSU people! The President (our President, Don Killingsworth) made the comment....'Who all is actually running the University while we are gone?!' ................No one Pres...no one! ha!

We clean up nice! My roomies! We had the best time staying together!
The BIG event!....with a really fun crew!
OH I love these girls!
Love this group like family!
The Provost of JSU................and one of the best people I know. Dr. Christie Shelton. I just love her!
The one and only! President of Tex Wes!
Just a wonderful night! Dinner, speaking, dancing and memories!
Love them!

Then Saturday was low key! We met the Messer group and had lunch and then enjoyed Fort Worth and catching up in a relaxed environment at their house!

Checking out all the sights before heading to the Messer's home. We kept it kind of early since we were all exhausted and headed home the next day. Short and sweet and the best time!
Took this on our way out of the hotel.......super early (3:00am) to head to the airport. We were delayed and hour and half because of the weather but once we took off and got past the storm.........it was clear sailing! We arrived in ATL with sunny blue skies and a beautiful day to finish at home!
I always love when our last days of trips look like this...because that means...we arent missing anything where we were so its time to go! :)

Lily's high school day!

 She talked about it...........


could not wait for the day!............

And...it was just the coolest day to her and she came home soooo excited to tell us all about her day and her tour and day at the high school!

Gosh she has just turned into this girl that overnight has bloomed!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Wordless Wednesday-TALK about a throwback of baby me!

 TALK about................a WORDLESS Wednesday

and a 


LOOK at baby me and Brandon and...................Nannie and Pawpaw!

Per my calculations...Nannie was 44ish in the picture...which is crazy to think she was close to my age in this picture! ha!

Our Maggie girl!

 Prayers for our sweet and precious Maggie!

Yesterday was the biggest day of her little life so far as she had her biggest surgery she will probably ever have. Doctors said all went great and now she is stable and on the road to recovery! Prayers that she has no pain and strength and healing quickly for her to be back to her sweet and happy self. Prayers to Bill and Mal as they navigate Baltimore and caring for Maggie and their hearts as their little girl heals. And for Reese as she is away from her Mommy and Daddy for a little while that she feels all the love and continues to be her sassy self!

Look at this sweet big girl!

Oh she just pulls at the heart strings! Right before being put to sleep, she just melts me!

When she cheers!

 SO much goes into cheering that people dont realize!

This group was up and at school at 6:45 to thank and say hello to all the bus drivers for 'Bus driver' appreciation day!

They do it all!

Our little baseball star!

 Our little man had his last baseball game Monday night! Since Lily did not have track practice, we made our way to Oxford to cheer him on!

He is so tiny! It makes me smile to see his little self swing that bat and run so fast!

He was ready!

Monday, April 22, 2024

This is 42!

 Today has been a good day!

The girls were out of school for an in-service day so since it was my bday, I took off and we enjoyed a fun girls day!

Shopping and lunch for the win!

The Ray's and Leigha treated us to dinner/bday celebrations on Saturday so we have had a full weekend celebrating both mine and Tyler's bday!

Here's to 42!

We clean up pretty nice for 42 year olds! :)

Fun and delicious dinner....one side of the table!...........
and then the other side! :)

Our DD girl!

 She is official and all the official happenings are beginning!

She has enjoyed her community service hours that she has done so far and the Tea and the BBQ too!

In the next couple of weeks, she'll be participating in the surprise announcing to the new pledges and then getting her little(s). Fun things coming and Im excited for her and her having this opportunity!

Her very first event wearing her DD jersey!

Nyla and Lex!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Our growth chart time!

 Each 6 months....the time comes....

to see......

who grew the most!

It seems like the going trend is that Lily always grows more within the 6 month time, but each time we look at what she has compared to Alexis at her age, Alexis is the tallest. 

Lex hit 5 foot 4 inches! She officially is taller than me! Even Lily couldnt believe it! :)

Tyler double checking and making sure the line was in the right place! :)

And this one....is officially over 5 foot 1 inch! Goodness these two are just growing!

The TEAM, the track team!

 Her track team is BIG! There are all ages and it was a great turnout!

It was fun watching all of them in their events!

Alllll the track stars!............and the awesome coaches!

I mean....look at all of them! That is alot of kids! :)

Lily's first track meet!

 Lily did SO great! So exciting watching her learn and love a new sport and to see her just killing it is an understatement! 

She had PR's in both the 1600 (with her time being 7 minutes 7 seconds) and the 800 (with her time being 3 minutes 17 seconds!)

The weather could have been a tad warmer and without the wind but overall we all enjoyed watching all the events against Fort Payne!

She also did her field events of the softball throw and the long jump! She got 3rd place in the softball throw and she jumped 4feet 11 1/2 inches in long jump!

Fort Payne and Jville getting ready to go!

Our track star!

Warming up and almost time!

Ready to GO!

Love this picture!

She had great pace the whole time! She needs to work on really pushing on the last lap to finish her time better...but for it to be her 1st meet, she did amazing!

Love watching her!


Long jump time!

Her best one!

Softball throw time! Goodness I wish I would have had this event in high school because I loved throwing a softball! Cant wait to her next one! So proud of her!