Monday, April 8, 2024

The land!

 We LOVE going to the land in Piedmont! 

Always fun no matter what we are doing up there! Whether we are just checking the cows, though there are no cows right now.............floating the creek............camping....driving or shooting, we love the memories we make!

Saturday turned into a beautiful afternoon so we decided to go do some target shooting!

I mean....

Alexis and Lily didnt get it from me, even though I am a pretty good shot.............but they are GOOD!

They both impress me!

This right here...may not be much to some, but I just love it!

Get it Lily!
Daddy's turn!

Lex, the sharp shooter!

My turn!

Picture of the targets from the 'best' round! I mean, impressive for all!

Lily did hit the bullseye first!

Their favorite....and always mine too, was shooting the sprite can and seeing how much it can burst! Both girls love doing this as it is the final event! ha!

We didnt go to Dugger per our usual since it was later in the day so we headed home and grilled out!

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