Monday, April 15, 2024

DD Tea!

 This round of DD events.........Alexis is no longer a pledge but is a true DD!

She now gets to see the back end of all things DD and she says she loves it a lot better being on the other side of all the questions, interviews, etc! :)

I told her it reminds me of going through rush at Auburn. I much rather be on the other end than going through it. Getting to see the 'behind the scenes' and just being able to talk to girls and have the option to cut them, etc than on the 'chopping block' is much better! 

So, as an official DD, she enjoyed her first DD Tea yesterday afternoon!

All the girls!

Aaliyah came over after and they worked on the English placement exam for Dual Enrollment and had dinner with us before heading home. I love their friendship!

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