Monday, April 29, 2024

OH Texas!

 Oh what a weekend!

I had the best trip with the best people visiting and celebrating one of my most favorite people and family.

To get to be a part of the celebration of the first FEMALE President of a University was surreal!

Texas Wesleyan University has a good one and we are so excited for her!

The inauguration and the gala were just wonderful! Spending time with them and the HUGE group from JSU that came, was icing on the cake!

The trio! We were up and out early! Caught our flight...and had the best morning/afternoon together getting to Texas on Thursday!

That night....we met up with everyone at the hotel and had dinner and then alllll ended up at the QT gas station to check it out! Yes, I did say....a gas station. We checked out a gas station....

because per Misty, it is the best gas station in the world..... (she is obsessed with gas stations).....the rest of us were not impressed! But, it was a fun time!

The next morning was THIS! I mean, amazing! All of the 'big dogs' were in attendance. The mayor of Fort Worth and the list goes on. I just sat in amazement of the entire day and night. Just fancy and prestigious..............and just wow at what I got to experience...just because of one of my best friends and how awesome she is! :)

The girls! My babies! I just love them!

We are so proud of her!

I mean...could there be anymore JSU people! The President (our President, Don Killingsworth) made the comment....'Who all is actually running the University while we are gone?!' ................No one one! ha!

We clean up nice! My roomies! We had the best time staying together!
The BIG event!....with a really fun crew!
OH I love these girls!
Love this group like family!
The Provost of JSU................and one of the best people I know. Dr. Christie Shelton. I just love her!
The one and only! President of Tex Wes!
Just a wonderful night! Dinner, speaking, dancing and memories!
Love them!

Then Saturday was low key! We met the Messer group and had lunch and then enjoyed Fort Worth and catching up in a relaxed environment at their house!

Checking out all the sights before heading to the Messer's home. We kept it kind of early since we were all exhausted and headed home the next day. Short and sweet and the best time!
Took this on our way out of the hotel.......super early (3:00am) to head to the airport. We were delayed and hour and half because of the weather but once we took off and got past the was clear sailing! We arrived in ATL with sunny blue skies and a beautiful day to finish at home!
I always love when our last days of trips look like this...because that means...we arent missing anything where we were so its time to go! :)

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