Monday, April 15, 2024

Our track star!

 Our girl showed out today! She had her first track meet full out practice and she killed it!

I love watching her play soccer but track is her element! 

She ran her 1600  (which is a mile) in 7 minutes and 17 seconds. She ran her 800 in 3 minutes and 27 seconds.

That is amazing!

She cant wait until her real meets!

Miss BIG time! :)

This was the 1600 crew!

Keeping great pace!

That hair flip though! ha!

My favorite picture! She did so good today!

Working her way to the front of the line!

Love this one too!

Her track friends!

800 time!

And she came out on top too for the girls and most of the boys! Now..Ryker........yeah he blew them allll away! She will not be competing against boys but between Ryker for the boys and Lily for the girls...Jacksonville is going to do great!

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