Monday, April 1, 2024

April fools!

 I love April......for obvious reasons....that is the month I was born! :)

BUT, I also love a good April Fools joke too! ha!

So when our 2nd semester students wanted us to be a part of their joke on their instructors...which are my co-workers...I was in!

Hince!...............the 'White lies' shirts!

Mine was priceless...especially because one of the instructors that was being pranked, just so happened to us having an issue with GRMC and their Clinical placement. SO mine was perfect when she saw it and the look on her face! :)

Pretty much the whole cohort participated even though we didnt get in their we took one of our own!  :)

This was the best! Amber's Shadow!

She is no longer my administrative assistant.............though she still helps me tremendously!

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