Monday, April 29, 2024

My grandmother's heels!

 I can bet that my grandmother has NO idea the number of shoes, sandals...heels, comfy...and the list goes on in her closet! 

I cannot tell you the number of shoes that she has given me throughout the years too. I wonder what some of the ones she has given me went through as they have scratches on them, part of the shoe coming she tells me that.... 

her famous line...

'I have only worn these one time!'.....................

I have no idea what she put a lot of them through 'that one time' but none the less, I get them because I am the only one in the family with the same shoe size as her and I am the only one that she thinks will actually wear them and is deserving of them.

So, for allllll the ones that I have had to discard through the years.....

during my Texas weekend....

I wore a pair she has given me..........

in honor of her! :)

I thought of her the whole time I wore them and felt honored to have them on! I have NO idea how she wore them....or what she did in them....but they officially killed my feet by the end of the night....but they were beautiful and I had a GREAT time in them!

In honor of Nannie.................

these beautiful heels! :)

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