Monday, April 8, 2024

Wake up call! Lily driving Daddy's truck!


talk about a wake up call...............

Saturday was Lily's first time to drive the truck.....

without sitting in her Daddy's lap to do it!

Yep, all my herself in the driver's seat.

I mean, I thought it was tough watching Alexis do it and now on to an actual car.........

but Lily, it hit me! 

It wont be long until she is 16.


just rolls on by....

and there is no stopping it.

She did good. I have to say, she is more heavy footed and needs to stop looking at me in the back seat as she is driving.................but, she did good! ha! :)

This picture cracks me up....because as I am taking it....Lily is leaned back like she is so cool...and just how she was acting............had Tyler and me laughing!

Watching for holes!

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