Sunday, September 28, 2014


Day 265
On this day...I got my car back! It is happy to be back home and not in the shop getting a new front bumper and left tire! :)

Day 266
Started decorating my office with Halloween decor! I LOVE to decorate for Halloween and Christmas! :)

Day 267
First day of Fall!!! Nothing better than enjoying being outside and a beautiful day! I had Alexis practicing her cartwheel! :) I have to say, she catches on pretty easy! She even did it at our last game when she was introduced!

Day 268
Happy Halloween decorating my house! :) 

Day 269
Happy Friday and WAR EAGLE!!! Tyler and I had a date night to Effinas and these two girls went to the movies with Nan and Pawpaw to see Boxtrolls! They loved the movie!!............and we loved our date! :)

Day 270
Love my two little Queens! Alexis' first Homecoming game!!
Day 271
Fun afternoon with the Grogans after Church! We met them...and Nan and Pawpaw at House of Chen for lunch! Yum! :)

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Homecoming 2014!

Alexis has officially had her first Homecoming! She was SO excited to be Homecoming Queen! :) {All the girls were Homecoming Queens at their age!} :)

She told me that she liked being in the beauty pageant! haha! {Because she is use to getting crowns when she has done pageants! I had to explain to her what a 'Homecoming Queen' is} :)

Her Daddy escorted her on the field as she was announced and received her crown!

The Eagles won 27-0!! And still undefeated!!

Go Eagles!!

 Love this little cheerleader!

These girls are awesome if I do say so myself! :)

Introducing Alexis Kayte Law! She is the daughter of Tyler and Amber Law! She is in the 1st grade and escorted by her father Tyler Law! :)
Me giving out the crown to my little Homecoming Queen!
 Daddy and the Queen! :)

All the girls leaving the field at the end!
 Oh WOW! This girl loves all things sparkly and with 'diamonds!' Her future husband is in for it! :) :)
My beautiful little Homecoming Queen!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Day 255
It's Friday!....and look at my 3rd child! He sits up in the chair and acts like he is just as human as we are! :)

Day 256
Love seeing these girls do so well! So proud of them!

Day 257
Church girls ready to go! Love their cute little bags! So adorable!

Day 258
Doctor Monday! Lily had her 3 year old well visit! We went to Dr. Lindell for the first time and she was SO nice! Lily loved her! I think she is going to be a great doctor for the girls! Lily is just growing so fast! She had a great check-up.  :)

Day 259
Highlight of my day!!!....seeing this little girl SUPER excited to wear her 'My Little Pony' dress to schooL!! She smiled from ear to ear from the time she put it on to the time I dropped her off!!

Day 260
Look at these grades!! So proud of Alexis! She is working so hard and learning soooo much in 1st grade!

Day 261
Thursday dance day here again! Love my two ballerinas!! 

Day 262
Friday night lights at the JHS football game! This was the first high school game that we have been to. It is a lot different than ole Saks games that I am use to....but none the less, we had a great time and GO EAGLES! :) :)
Tonight was youth night so Alexis and the C-team got to be introduced on the field before the game! She was so excited!!

Day 263
 Date day with my little cutie!! We had a lunch date at Java Jolt! Alexis just loved how the decor was {and I do too} in there! She said the sandwich she had was 'the best ever, Mommy!' :) We had Frios gourmet ice-cream pops after we ate! Talk about a perfect way to cap off lunch! YUM!!
 And I have two highlights Saturday!!....{talk about a great day!} :)   L.O.V.E these cute cookies!! I could not resist when I saw them! And the cheerleaders ate every single one! :) :)
Cookies for these crazy faced cheerleaders!!   We beat Cherokee County 20-7!!! Whoo hoo!!

Day 264
Church day Sunday! I love to see my 'girly girls' ready for Church enjoying racing cars! Lily loves her birthday gift!!
And then yet, they look so cute too at Church helping Daddy and I be the greeters! We are greeters for the month of September and needless to say, we have two helpers!!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Friday night lights!.......

Whew this week has been packed full! But, it is now the weekend!! Alexis came home this afternoon with her very first progress report as a 1st grader and she had all A's!!!!! SOOO super proud of her because now that she is in the 1st grade, she has actual scores and so I was a little nervous about what grades she would get! Well...she did awesome!
We kicked off the weekend with 'Youth night' at the JHS game! Alexis was so excited to be with the 'big' cheerleaders! {I remember being little and going to the high school games and just being in amazement of the 'big' cheerleaders too!} :)

My little Eagles!!
My little cheerleader!
Daddy and Lily up high in the stands!
They loved getting a picture with the big cheerleaders!
Hanging with the big girls!
Crazy girls!
Meet Jack! Lily says "Cocky's best friend!" :) :)
So sweet!
Love Ms. Haley!! Alexis loved seeing her!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Wordless Wednesday...on a Thursday!!

Well, like the saying says.....better late than never right?!?! This week has been a blur between all the practices, dance classes, homework, preparing for tests, trying to get my car fixed and everything in between, that I am feeling like my head is swimming a little bit!

But, hey we are having a great week and tomorrow is Friday and TODAY is game day for the big AU....

life is good! :)

Soo..we have the big cheerleader recognition tomorrow night for the cheerleaders!...and then onto the weekend!!

As we speak TOUCHDOWN Auburn!!.......... whooo hooo!! :) :)

So, for Wordless Wednesday...on your Thursday!.....

{Notice the same cute outfit!} :) :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

First game as a cheerleader!

I dont think Alexis fully understood the extent of what it was like when she said she wanted to be a cheerleader!.........but, I think she is realizing it and I have to say she is loving it! :)

She had her very first game Saturday and she did awesome!! She was so good out there during half-time! She did all the motions, didnt fall during her pyramid, and smiled the whole time!

The Jacksonville Golden Eagles played Ragland and beat them 27-6!

Makes my heart smile to see Alexis love something that I loved when I was younger! :)

These cuties did such a great job! They blew the other cheer squad away!
Getting ready for the boys to go on the field!!
My little cheerleader!!
Doing their chants!!
Ready for half-time!! SSOOOO proud of them!
Look at that smile on her face! It was there the whole time she was out on that field!! :) :)
The pyramid!!
Sooo proud!!
Love these girls!
And my two girls too!!! :) :)