Sunday, December 28, 2014


Day 349
Monday! The last week of school before we are out for Christmas!! The girls of course had to wear their cute Christmas outfits on the last week!! :) :)

Day 350
Ella Jingle brought the girls NORTH Pole SNOW!! They were thrilled!!!

Day 351
Alexis had to have Aubie in the picture of them wearing another cute Christmas outfit to school!!

Day 352
WHOOO HOOO!! The last full day of school! So, we celebrated by having yummy Christmas cupcakes! Blue Christmas was the blue cupcakes! I cant remember the other names but they were fun though!!

Day 353
Alexis had a half day at school and so we capped off the last week of school by heading to Gadsden with the Grogan's for a fun night of dinner and looking at Christmas lights!!

Day 354
The Fritts' annual Christmas party was a hit!

Day 355
Our last Church Sunday before Christmas!!
And another highlight of the day...the Morris Family Christmas lunch!

Day 356
I had to work a little while on the girls came to work with me! They LOVE to come and hang out in my office!!
They colored, watched movies, played on their IPADS, etc while I worked a little while!
To end the fun day!....we had lunch with the Johnson crew!! {Lily picked McDonalds of course!!...and the other kiddos didnt mind at all of her choice!} :)

Day 357
Fully out for Christmas break for me and I love that I am at home for 2 WEEKS with my little family! I am sooo thankful!! And...I love being at home and seeing all the fun and cute Christmas cards from friends and family! We had so many that they all wouldnt fit!!

Day 358
Christmas Eve!! Church service was so pretty!

Day 359
Christmas DAY!! Whoo hoo!!...Santa came!! :)

Day 360
Heading to do some after Christmas shopping! {Got to get the big after Christmas deals!!} :)
The girls LOVE to act like the mannequins at Old Navy!! Alexis said...'Mommy, watch me act like I am frozen!' :) :)
We had a great day together with a nice dinner at Logans {YUM!!} and then yogurt! I love spending fun time with my little family!!

Day 361
Pawpaw's sister Minnie came into town so we met them at Top o' the River to see them and eat! YUM!

Day 362
Lazy Sunday!! We have watched movies and just relaxed today! We all played the game 'Headbands!!' SOO funny playing with a 6 and 3 year old!! Lily kept telling everyone what their card was! {Which defeats the whole purpose of the game!!} :) Alexis did a great job! She guessed what her card was better than Tyler and I! :) She was the winner!!

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