Saturday, December 20, 2014

You cant make this stuff up!!!......

We have had a very merry Christmas final week of school!! The girls have had school parties galore and we have sang Christmas songs galore, made cookies, gave friends and teacher gifts and more!!

We topped off the final week with Christmas at the Falls in Gadsden! I have not been to Noccalula  Falls in years, and it was the first time for the girls too! We met the Grogans at Chick fila and then headed. It was a misty rain type of night so that helped with the crowd! The rain fizzled out by the end and we had no waits for the train, etc! There were a ton of lights! Every single tree, bush, etc were covered in some form of lights! We rode the train and saw all the beautiful lights, walked to the Falls, saw Santa and Mrs. Claus, went and saw the live animal zoo! The kids had a great time!

Some funny things I want to document so when I read this in the future, I can look back and laugh and remember how funny my girls are....AND what a mess they are too!!.................

You just can NOT make this stuff up!!

So, at Chick fila, we sat the kids in a booth beside 'us adults' last night with the Grogan kids. I got up from the 'adult table' to walk over and check on them and right when I turned around, Lily....... had a big pack of ketchup................and squeezed it so hard that it literally FLEW in the air and it all shot out and landed on me!! I have never seen ketchup fly so HIGH!! It was like slow motion for me because I saw it flying but there was nothing I could do! I was COVERED!! Needless to say, I had to give my shirt a bath in the sink and therefore had to wear a short sleeved shirt to the Falls!

And, the other day I received a video from Ms. Harper {Alexis' 1st grade teacher} Apparently, during 'IPAD' time....the record button was hit on it and Alexis didnt know it! :) :) :)

Ms. Harper's daughter came to school that day with her and Alexis just hit it off and just clicked right away so Alexis was attached at the hip to Brittney the entire day!! Well, Brittney is in high school and it seemed like Alexis was trying to be 'older' and be 'cool' since she was talking to Brittney as the IPAD was recording.....

So, in the video, Alexis is telling Brittney 'I have a secret to tell you!!' 'It is a secret so dont tell ANYBODY!'  'I.....I....I have a BOYFRIEND!!' 'Dont tell ANYBODY!!' But, I DO!....I have one!...and his name is Christian!!' 'Dont tell....DONT TELL!' {The video is hilarious as Alexis is saying all of this! was priceless!!} Ms. Harper said she was laughing so hard when she found the video on the IPAD!!

So, when Alexis got home...I asked her if there was a boy that she liked or if she had a boyfriend??

She turned BRIGHT red.......    :) :)

She said, well, 'Yes, Mommy...his name is Christian'

I said.... 'So, does Christian know that he is your boyfriend??'......

And....she says ' he doesnt!!' hahaha!!!

I said, 'Well Alexis, if he doesnt know that he is your boyfriend, then that means that he really isnt if he doesnt know!'....

She looked at me with this 'light bulb went off kind of look'... like oh, well I had never thought of that!!....

So, then Daddy finds out that she has a 'boyfriend' and proceeds to tell her that he didnt have a girlfriend until he was in 10th grade!!....

She looks at him and says.... 'So, I have 10 years left until I can have a boyfriend???' And Tyler says, 'Yes!!' :) :)

 OH ME!!

My girls!!......................

And, dont worry, Im not going to leave out Lily!!........................

In the same week.....

Lily's teacher comes up to me as I am dropping her off one morning and says 'Do you have a minute?'

When I hear that.................and with it being Lily {I do hear that a good bit}...... I already started thinking...WHAT has she done now?!?!?................. :) :)

Then the next thing out of Mrs. Heather's mouth was 'Dont be embarrased!!'.............

OH NO!!!!!!!!.....what!?!?! {Was just racing through my mind!!}

So then she tells me that Friday {she was telling me the story that next Tuesday}  that Lily was on the step stool getting water out of the water fountain and as she was getting water.....she had her hands in the back of her pants and she was squirming............

Mrs. Heather {knowing Lily...and her pooping escapades...} says 'Lily, did you poop in your panties??'

Lilys says..... 'No'...........

As she continues to have her hands in her pants.........

So, Mrs. Heather walks over to Lily to check to see if she had actually pooped or not {because Lily is not always truthful with her pooping...} and notices that Lily has toilet paper in them....

So, Mrs. Heather pulls out the toilet paper {thinking no wonder Lily had her hands in her pants and was squirming because it was uncomfortable for her to have toilet paper stuck on her bottom.}....

As she is pulling out the toilet paper.....Mrs. Heather notices that the piece is pretty long. That it is pretty much a front to back piece of paper that she had stuffed in her panties...............

So, she says 'Lily, why did you have this piece of toilet paper in your panties??'............

Lily says.....

'Because I want to be like Mommy'.....................

{Yep, yep................yep!....she totally said and did what she did}...........................................................

You just cant make this stuff up!....

My little family getting ready to see the Christmas lights!!
The kiddos!! Alexis was killing me there because she kept saying that she couldnt move because of everything I put her in to keep her warm! {Totally was making me feel like we were in the 'Christmas Story' movie!}      :) :)
She said that she couldnt move her mouth to smile because of it! haha!! I was dying!! :) {Notice the face she is making.........because she 'couldnt move!!'}..............
And..then notice in this picture too.............. she couldnt move her mouth either to smile because of all the 'stuff' I made her wear!! :) :)
Oh...but SEE moving just fine!! They were pretending to be ON TOP OF THE WORLD!! on this big rock!! Lily was just scared to death at first!! {See her face!} :) :) It wasnt even that high of a rock!! haha!!
And then....... Lily decided she was on TOP OF THE WORLD too!! haha!!
They all wrote their letters to Santa to give him one last notice of what they wanted before Christmas Eve comes!!.....
And...Lily wrote hers too!! :) :)

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