Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Eve 2014!

The girls were BEYOND excited about Santa coming! This year Alexis was really into understanding what it was all about and just being super excited about it. Lily really didnt have a clue, but she was excited every time Alexis would say Santa is coming in X number of days!! :)

We headed to our Church for their Christmas Eve service. I love love love this special time so that they girls understand why were are truly celebrating Christmas. We sang a ton of Christmas songs, did Communion, listened to Pastor Chris and then we all lit candles and sang Silent Night before leaving! It was so beautiful!

After Church, we headed to Gran's to eat Christmas Eve dinner and open presents. The girls were too excited to eat and had the presents laid out for everyone by the time we were done eating!

When we got home the girls ran straight to get in their pjs, Alexis put out the cookies that we had made earlier in the day for Santa, and they were both off to bed!!

My little family of four opened our gifts to each other! I love my little family! Alexis and Lily loved giving Daddy and I our gifts! :)

Lily opening her gift from Alexis and Alexis opening her gift from Lily!!..............and excitement was so sweet!!
And they LOVE what they each picked out for the other!!
Making cookies for Santa!!
Christmas Eve!! Ready to go to the Christmas Eve service!!
Our pretty Church!!
At Gran's to open gifts! Alexis and Lily worked hard passing out the gifts....

Nannie explaining to Lily that Rudolph would be pulling the sleigh tonight!!...and that he was on Lily's dress! :)
This is one EXCITED little girl!! Merry Christmas Eve!!

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