Monday, December 15, 2014


Day 332
Friday after Thanksgiving!!...getting all dressed up to do some black Friday shopping!! {only for them to ditch us and so Tyler and I ended up having a surprise date night!!} :)

Day 333
Though we didnt beat Bama this year, highlight of the day was to wear our Auburn gear for the last time of the season!

Day 334
The End of the Season Ceremony for the cheerleaders! Such a fun time to honor these sweet girls!!

Day 335
YUM!...nothing like a home cooked meal in the oven cooking on a cold winter's night!!

Day 336
Alexis LOVED being in the Jacksonville Christmas parade! Soooo fun!!!

Day 337
This silly girl doing some poses before school! love her!!
Day 338
And this little girl loving being a ballerina!! { her teacher Mrs. Jessica!!....Lily is a handful in class!} :)

Day 339
Fun day/night with my fun girl! We love to go to Birmingham and so we headed that way to do some shopping and then to eat with the Murphy's!! AND the Alabama Theatre to see 'So You Think You Can Dance!!' A great time with my little one!!

Day 340
Nothing like just relaxing on the couch watching Christmas movies!!
We watched the Grinch! The girls LOVE this movie! {Sad thing is...right after this, Daddy took Alexis to the doctor because she started running a high fever!!...only to find out she had the FLU!!!! :(   She ended up spending until Wednesday with Nan and Pawpaw!}:(
Day 341
We missed 'Sissy' while she was at Nan and Pawpaw's!! But before doing some shopping at Wal-Mart...why cant you eat McDonalds at Taco Bell???.........if you are Lily, you sure can! And that is exactly what she did! :)
Day 342
My little Santa baby!! Love her!

Day 343
Nothing better than having three...yes, I said THREE Christmas parties in one week!!! Yes, the 1st of the parties was our work party!! We all brought food and we had a TON!!!! Too much!! Oh my at the food! We all enjoyed eating....catching up and then swapping Christmas ornaments and telling the meaning behind why we bought the ornament that we did! I loved hearing the stories!!
Round 2 Christmas party was the Exchange Club and then Round Dirty Santa-Tacky Sweater party!! Whoo hoo!!! :) :)

Day 344
She is HOME!!...she is HOME!!....We celebrated Alexis being back home by cooking 'Frozen' cookies!! YUM! :)
Day 345
Date night with this handsome guy to the Exchange's Christmas party! It was so nice!

Day 346
I love when it is time for my Christmas party! I just LOVE to have my closest friends and family over and just have everyone enjoy talking, catching up and just having fun!!

Day 347
Bright and early the next day after a Christmas party!!??.....but MORE fun by seeing Santa! Love this family!!

Day 348
And my Christmas Church girls!!

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