Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Jacksonville Christmas parade!!

Tonight was the PERFECT night for the Jacksonville Christmas parade!!

Last  year.........we FROZE as we watched the parade!! This year though it was great!

Us C-Team cheer group loaded up in the back of Tyler's truck {that was decorated SO cute!!} and joined in on the parade this year!

Alexis was beyond excited about being in the parade! She told me when we got home that she had SO much fun! She said that her favorite part was shouting hello to her friends that she saw as we passed!! :)

Lily watched the parade go by with Nan and Pawpaw while we rode in it! She told me that she had SO much fun too and that she loved getting candy and seeing all the floats! She said that she saw the Grinch and that he was bad! :)    

COCKY joined in on the FUN!! :)

 Above: Lily had fun giving hugs out to the 'Big Birds' that came by!! :)
Below: Us cruising down the parade!!
 These silly faced girls loved throwing out candy, yelling and waiving at people they knew, doing chants, singing Christmas songs and shouting Merry Christmas as they rode down the parade! Such a fun memory!!

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