Sunday, November 30, 2014

End of the season ceremony!

Well....Thanksgiving break is coming to an end! We have had a great week out of work/school...even with a surgery being involved!!

We have had a beautiful weekend and suppose to have a beautiful week coming up too! The weather has just been great with 65 degree temps with blue skies!

Last night was the Iron bowl...and I have to say, Auburn played hard but Bama just had more power! Our defense is in the dumps this year, and thank goodness, the defensive coach was fired after the game last night!

We have some BIG weeks coming up with kicking off Christmas time! I LOVE this time of year! {Minus the cold weather!} :)

Today we had the end of the season ceremony for the 2014 football season! The girls were so excited about it! It was a great event to honor the girls!

We all got dressed up for a shopping and dinner trip to Oxford! We had to stop by Nan and Pawpaw's real quick and these two ditched us! So, Tyler and I had an impromptu date night! Some shopping, dinner and then The Hunger Games Part 1! It was win win for all of us! :)
Ella Jingle has made herself very comfortable around our house lately!
Sooo.....even though Auburn didnt win......we still can look good right!
Kicking off the first Sunday of Advent! My beautiful Alexis before Church!
My beautiful Lily before Church!
My girls love playing with Alexis! Lily was SOOO exicted to hold a trophy too! :)
So proud of her! She has done SUCH a great job during her 1st year as being a cheerleader! She has improved so much since the beginning!!
Above: Being her Mommy...........and her Coach!...a true blessing for me!!
Below: I love all of these girls! Being a Coach for the 1st time has been a learning curve, but overall it has been the best because of all these sweet girls!!!
Alexis, Sarai, Ashley, Dailyn, Lettie and Madison! {We missed Ellie, Caroline, Kylie and Imani!}

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