Saturday, November 1, 2014


Day 290
Go Eagles!! We love our Eagles and I love my little Eagle! It is Friday!!!

Day 291
Sooo fun camping in Piedmont with the Grogans!!
Day 292
Cleaning up from camping and more Halloween outfits!!!!
Day 293
Back in the groove! Alexis waiting on Daddy to check her homework she completed! :)
Day 294
Had a little one join me at work Tuesday! I would say she had the 'hook up!' She had it made in my office!!
She loved having her toys there! She read her book to her baby doll.
Day 295
Not so sick! She was back to her little self! :) {She was LOVING cinnamon twists at Taco Bell!}
Day 296
The little ballerina is just the biggest HIGHLIGHT ever!!
Day 297
Doughballs!! OHH YUM!! We enjoyed going to the Saks vs Jacksonville football game with the Johnsons! We had dinner with Ben, Gran, Aunt Pam and Richard...and the Johnsons before the game! Doughballs are sooooooooo good! We couldnt stop eating them!!
Day 298
Love hanging with this chick at Gran's wedding.
Day 299
Fall tree at Church! Ready to KICK off Halloween week!!! WHOOO HOO!! We had our Church's Fall Festival this night and we had a blast!
Day 300
Everyday of Halloween week the girls wore their cute Halloween outfits to school! SOOO fun! We missed Daddy this week, but we still had soooo much fun leading up to Halloween Friday!!
Day 301
Tuesday's Halloween outfit! :) :)
Day 302
Sweet witches on Wednesday!! We carved pumpkins this night! This week was also Red Ribbon week at Alexis' school! Say NO to drugs! SOOOO....she HAD to wear, we incorporated red with our Halloween cuteness! :)
Day 303
Kick Drugs! Alexis had to wear boots on this day! again, boots with a cute Halloween outfit! :)
Day 304
Day 305
Meg and Mal spent the night with us after a fun night of trick or treating, watching scary movies and then they game to Alexis' last regular season game!! The EAGLES won!! UNDEFEATED the whole season! Now..on to the playoffs!! {We froze froze FROZE at the game...but it was still soo fun!} :)

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