Monday, November 10, 2014

Please come Ms. Tooth Fairy!

Today marked Lily's first visit to the dentist! I told her about it yesterday as we were heading to Church and she wasnt too thrilled. She got upset and said "I not need to go to the doctor!" :(

Alexis decided to try and make her feel better and therefore started telling her all about the dentist and what all going to the dentist entails! Alexis was doing a great job until Alexis started saying that she will bleed! OH my! That worked really well to get Lily excited about going!! :) :)

So, I picked up the girls and we headed. Alexis went first and she did awesome! She MADE SURE to ask if she had any loose teeth!!! Even with trying to explain to her that it is a good thing that her teeth are still in, she was a little disappointed that she has no loose teeth. That girl is WAY too excited to have a tooth come out because....per her....ALL of her friends have already lost teeth.....BUT her!

They said that Alexis looked great and that her 6 year 'big girl' molars are coming in! That made her proud to hear that 'big girl' teeth were in! :)

Then came Lily's turn! She was nervous and didnt say much at first...but after a great explanation of what all the equipment was, she seemed to be more comfortable! She did a GREAT job! She didnt get upset or cry at all! She listened so well and did what all she was told! I am sooooooo proud of her!

My big girl #1!!

And my big girl #2! {She was showing me how she was going to keep her mouth open!!} :)
She did SOOOO good!!

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