Tuesday, November 25, 2014

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas...even with 70 degree weather!

We have had a laid back kind of Thanksgiving break so far. I have been recouping from my hernia surgery that I had Thursday, so we have done much of nothing for the past several days except try and rest and recover!

I have been fine though considering! The craziest thing is that everything hurt besides my incision. My legs and the most my back. My throat hurt several days after the surgery because of the tubes in my throat. But...I am over the hump and much better and now I am hernia free! :)

The girls have had a blast though! They have bounced from Nan's, Aunt Pam's and Gran's while I have been recovering...so needless to say, they have loved it! :)

We have to go tomorrow to get the stitches out and let the doc look me over and then we are going to do a little Christmas shopping and letting the girls talk to Santa! {They are dying to talk to him even though Tyler told them that he mailed off their list and that Santa isnt bringing anything else!} Yeah, crushing their dreams! :)

I have gotten my Christmas decorations up early since I knew I would be down for the count and not able to lift things for a while. We have really enjoyed having everything out early! It is nice to sit and relax and not have to worry about it  as I watch our neighbors, etc trying to get theirs up.

I love love love Christmas time even with the weather being in the 70s this week!! CRAZY!! But, at least it is beautiful 70 degree weather and not freezing or snow! I love Christmas but I do not love the cold!

I love all the lights and ornaments and just the Christmas feeling!! These pictures just dont do it justice! I love how our home turned out this year!!
Our living room tree!
Our living room mantle!
A little hallway decor! :)
Entrance going into our dining room!
I love my dining room table decor this year! The snowflakes are a perfect touch!
I absolutely LOVE past Santa pictures!! I have done this little tree of the girls each Christmas since they were born! I have stopped with Alexis because I wanted to do their first 5 years! Lily still has a little bit of catching up to do! I love to see how much they have changed each Christmas!
Dining room tree!!

Lily's little tree in her room!
And Alexis' tree in her room!

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