Thursday, November 13, 2014

Let's go to the Zoo!

Alexis had her first field trip as a 1st grader yesterday! The whole 1st grade crew loaded up on two charter buses {along with a 10 mile trail of parents following} and headed to Birmingham to the Zoo! I think at the beginning that Alexis was most excited about riding the buses! :) :)

It was a little chilly, but overall it was a great time for them! Alexis said she had SO much fun! She loved walking around with her friends looking at all the animals! She said her favorite part was the sea lion throwing the ball and catching it on his nose! :)

Pawpaw and Daddy went with her to chaperone!

I wish I were able to go but I was stuck at St. Vincent hospital prepping for my surgery coming up! It took ALL day!

I was able to meet them at Cracker Barrel in Leeds to round out their fun day! Alexis rode back with Pawpaw and Daddy on the way home so they rode the rest of the way home with me!

Alexis told me when we got home that a porcupine had stuck her on her finger. Come to find out, she was telling a big fib and she just scratched it while she was at the Zoo. OH her imagination! :)

Having fun and making memories with Daddy and Pawpaw!

Rounding out the trip with warmth and yummy food from Cracker Barrel!

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