Friday, November 28, 2014

A 'Classicly, froggy Thanksgiving'!

We had a 'Classicly froggy Thanksgiving' this year! We kicked off our Thanksgiving by seeing that Ella Jingle decided to fly in!!

Lily was not impressed with Ella Jingle and wanted her to go back where she flew from!.....

But, we got ready and by then it was time for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! I LOVE this tradition of watching the parade!

We didnt get to watch all of the parade because we had to meet Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi at Classic on Noble for Thanksgiving brunch. It was so good and didnt disappoint yet again! Once we were finished eating, we headed over the their house for a little while. Alexis and Lily helped Nan put some ornaments on her tree! {They love to help decorate! fighting over who will put their ornament and what seems to them to be the only limb on the tree!} {They cant seem to understand that they can space out their ornaments and not have them all just on the bottom limb!} :)

We headed home for rest time and to finish watching the parade before heading to Birmingham for Thanksgiving with my side.

We love hanging out with everyone! The girls were the center of the attention! {Which is not a surprise!} My girls are hilarious! They were making everyone laugh soooo hard as they played the game Old Maid, they sang Frozen, Let It Go! {beautifully!!} they played with LaLa's Nutcrackers! {That was soooooo funny! Lily was the same height as they were and Alexis and Lily kept moving the handles to open and close their mouths to make them 'talk', it was so funny watching them!} Alexis showed everyone how I had taught her the day before on how to dance the Macarena dance!! :) and then she showed everyone her favorite cheers {which were 'Go Bananas! and Pork Chop!!} I was laughing so hard! :) :)

We got home late and the girls slept all the way home! I would call it a great Thanksgiving!!

Welcome Ella Jingle!! So glad you are here!....Lily, though, is not so glad you are here! She said 'I not want Ella Jingle here, she needs to go back home!' {She doesnt want Ella Jingle telling Santa on her!} :)
Ella Jingle brought the girls a little gift...and a note telling them to be good and that she is watching! :)
Ella Jingle brought Alexis some writing pens and some lip gloss and she brought Lily some 'sparkly' body spray and lip gloss! As you can see in the next picture, Lily had lip gloss all over her face! :)
We cleaned up and headed to the Classic! So nice!
Love my sassy girl!!

Daddy ate frog legs!! {YUCK!!!}....did I say YUCK! Yep, I did! YUCK! {He did say they were good and that they do taste like chicken!!} :)
Sooo...Alexis wanted to eat frog legs too! See....she loves her frog legs also!! :)
Cant get these girls still for a second!! Oh me!!....
Helping Nan with the tree!
Home to relax and finish watching the parade!! Love it!
At LaLa's!! Game time and decorating the Christmas tree ornament time!!
And now...time to eat!! YUM!
This was the guys....yep, football on TV!!
And of course, this is the girls! We like to take pictures!!
Meg was a good babysitter downstairs! The girls were watching the Polar Express and using the foot massager!! Until Lily decided she wanted to watch Rudolph and therefore tried to get it out and broke the DVD! Oh me!!....
They cracked us up with these two Nutcrackers!!! Lily was the same height as them!! I didnt get a picture of Lily with them because she would NOT be still!! They were having so much fun making them 'talk!'

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