Saturday, November 29, 2014


Day 318
Baby it's cold outside!! It was extra cold on this Friday so we bundled up really well before going to school and work!

Day 319
Saturday...and date/movie night with this guy! :) Mexican...YUM!

Day 320
This smile and kitten.................super highlight!!
Day 321
Psych fashion disorder show! AKA...a bunch of crazy people!

Day 322
My sweet friends gave me...or I should say Tyler a 'survival' treat bag to help us prepare for my hernia surgery!

Day 323
Eating Thanksgiving lunch with this little turkey at her school! Love her!!

Day 324
Today was THE day! I had this surgery planned for 6 months {and really wanted to put it off more} but the time came for my surgery! It went alot better than I thought it was going to!! I didnt get to eat ALL at 4:30 in the afternoon, I finally got to eat...and Chick-fil-a was SO good!!

Day 325
More sweet co-workers came by the house to check on me and brought me a gift card to Java Jolt! Tyler and I had a 'date day' there a couple of days later {once I was feeling better!!} SO nice!!
Day 326
I literally laid around the house all day on this day looking at my Christmas decorating and watching a TON of HGTV shows!!
Day 327
Got the girls back! They were gone 3 nights so I could recover more from my surgery! SO happy to have these two back home!!
Day 328
Monday fun day for the girls! Alexis was out of school for Thanksgiving...but she went to Lily's school and played with her friends! They love playing with friends!
Day 329
Lily the Turkey! She was acting like a turkey in this picture! On this day she had her Thanksgiving party at her school! She had a TON of food...and a TON of fun!
She came home with this gem! She made a 'turkey' shirt!! :)

Day 330
We loaded up and had a family fun day! The girls got to talk with Santa and tell him what all they want for Christmas!!
Day 331
Happy Thanksgiving!! Love and so thankful for all of these girls!!

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