Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Happy Fall! Happy Fall! Happy Fall!

That time has come! November is here! It is in the crisp air and proven with the darkness that comes at 5:00pm. 

I enjoy this time change in the fact that it helps me get up and going in the morning because it is daylight, but turning dark right when I get home from work is a BIG downside!

But, to find the 'silver lining'.....it is only a season and it will pass so we can make it with the darkness and cold!! :)

We have a busy November coming up and then moving on to CHRISTMAS!!...cant wait!

I have taken down all of the Halloween decorations, and now have fall  decor up! :)
 Alexis loves me writing on the chalk board. She loves to read what I have written now that she can read really well!! Sooo....when I took down the Trick or Treat that I had up, she asked if she could write Happy fall! Happy fall! Happy fall! on it! She was SO proud of herself! She asked me to take a picture of her and Lily in front of it! :)
 And....the time has come!....the thing Alexis has been waiting for since last year when she got it!.....the one and ONLY, WISH Book from Toys R Us!! Let me tell you, this company knows what they are doing when they mail this out to pretty much every child in America!
Soooooo....Alexis and Lily spent what seemed like the entire afternoon going through this Wish Book with a fine toothed comb to make sure they put every.single.thing.they.thought.they.will.want.Santa.to.bring.them!!!! Yep, it cracked Tyler and I up as we looked through it and saw what Alexis had circled with her name beside it and then what Lily had Alexis circle with her name beside it!
As I was listening to them decide on what to circle, Lily kept saying "Sissy...what am I going to get, circle this for me, put my name on that!!" :) :)
OH me!! All I can say is that this is a great tool that I get to use because any time now that they act up, I can bring up the Wish Book and say that something they circled, is OFF the list! :) :)
{And what was even funnier, if it was something Alexis REALLY wants, she put 'I like it!' by her name and the circle!} haha!

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