Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day o' fun!

I love when my little family and I do fun and memorable things together!

Today was a perfect day! We had some ideas of things to do...but we had no time agenda and nothing set in stone! We just headed out together to just seize the day!

I did have my follow up doctor's appointment to have my stitches taken out. That didnt go to awful bad and I was in and out in no time!

Once we were done with my appointment, we headed back home but instead of going the 'normal' way, we went through Gadsden. We stopped in Trussville and had lunch and did some shopping!

We haven't eaten at Jim -n-Nicks in a long time...............and OH it was just as good as the last time we had been there!

Once we were done with Trussville, we headed on to Gadsden to the mall to see Santa and do a little more shopping!

The girls were THRILLED to get to talk to Santa! They actually told him pretty much everything that they thought of that they wanted. Lily kind of confused me by saying she wanted a pink school though! Hmmm...not sure where that came from??!!! :) :)       Miss sassy pants Alexis did mention after they were done talking with Santa that she did forget to tell him a couple of things..................but, that 'Mommy,it wont matter because Santa will bring it all anyways because I am super good and he will know what all I  missed telling him!' Hmmm....not sure about that either!.....I hope Santa can figure out what she is talking about. She did throw out a couple of things that she missed telling him such as sparkly fingernail polish and hand sanitizer! {My goodness my girls are obsessed with hand sanitizer!!} :) Soooo............

After the 'mission completed' by talking with Santa, we took the girls to The Factory! Alexis has been there before for birthday parties, but this was Lily's first time! They were SUPER excited about going! Sooo much fun!!

After was time to head home and relax the rest of the afternoon!............  ahhh...such a perfect day with my little family!...................
 These two girls devoured Jim-n-Nick's biscuits!! Oh my goodness they were hording them! It was hilarious! They both...including Tyler and I, LOVES these biscuits!! :) :) The waiter had to keep bringing us more!
 Nothing better than getting a fun balloon {color of your very own choice} once you get finished eating! Lily {as you can see in the picture} was just super excited about getting a balloon! {Oh the little things!!} :)
And here we are!! The much anticipated visit with Santa! I would call it a success!
FUN FUN FUN at The Factory!!
Look at that girl! Having sooo much fun!!
They loved that Daddy jumped with them!! {And, yeah that girl 'photo bombed' the picture!}
Ahhh.....such a fun day and now, hmmm.....yum....oh so good!...nice and cozy curled up with Christmas lights, a movie, hot cider and a relaxing candle! Perfection!!

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