Saturday, December 6, 2014

The most fun!!

Like I said in a past previous post, we have had a lot of fun Christmas things going on lately!

Alexis 'skipped' school Thursday and had a super fun day with Aunt Pam and her third grade class! She spent the night with her and then Thursday went with Pam's class to see the Nutcracker! Alexis LOVES all things dance...and sparkles....and singing! She had SO much fun! They topped off the day by eating at Cracker Barrel and then going back to Aunt Pam's classroom!

Alexis loved getting to know Pam's students! Nan picked her up and headed to weekly dance class!

Then yesterday, I checked Alexis out early and we headed to Birmingham to see 'So You Think You Can Dance!!'

It was SOOOOO great! I have to say, we got our monies worth! The choreography was amazing and the dancers were just unbelievable! I didnt realize how long it would last {it was from 7:30-10:00PM!!} Those dancers had to be super tired because they danced their hearts out!

I want to continue the 'tradition' of going every year now because it was so great!

Alexis did fall asleep about an hour and 45 minutes in to it! Poor little thing tried soooo hard to stay awake, but she just could not do it! She curled up in my lap and was out! I hated that she missed some of it, but I shook her awake at the end so she could watch the ending....which was the BEST! They danced to Taylor Swift's song 'Shake it Off'...which is Alexis' favorite song....and it was SO good! It cracked me up because when I woke Alexis up...she was half out of it, so when she heard her favorite song she started dancing along......but because she was half asleep, she looked like a zombie dancing! I was laughing so hard! She was cracking me up until she fully woke up! {But even half asleep, she wasnt going to stop dancing!!} :)
Alexis informed me that she is now a third grader because she got to go with Aunt Pam's class! :)
The whole gang enjoying lunch!
It is Friday.....cuteness!
Alexis and I headed to Birmingham for a super fun 'just us' day! I love that I have my girls and I can NOT wait to do fun things with them as they grow!! I just can not wait!
We surprised Margie at her work {Kendra Scott at the Summit, super cool}!! She was soooo surprised and Alexis was SUPER happy to see Margie! She loves Margie and she thinks she 'hangs the moon!'
Then we when to an awesome place that I just love!!...Superior Grill! They had a pretty Christmas tree behind us, but Alexis was frustrated because they had some ornaments on the tree upside down! She just couldnt understand why they would do that!  :)
Loved getting to spend some time with the Murphy's!
LaLa and Meg ended up getting last minute tickets so they got to go too! Though they didnt get to sit by us, it was fun to walk in with them!!
Just beautiful!!
Hanging out is so much fun!! :)
I love getting to spend time with my fun little girl! She had SO much fun...and I did too on our special day together!! :)

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