Sunday, December 14, 2014

Busy busy Christmas fun!!

We have been BUSY lately with alot of Christmas fun!! And...we have alot left to do before Christmas Day is actually here!

Poor Alexis had to miss her Christmas concert at school last week because she was hit with the flu bug! :(   Poor thing, she was down for the count for several days! She spent the time at Nan and Pawpaw's and thankfully started feeling better each day!!

Ella Jingle still came over to Nan and Pawpaw's to check up on Alexis! She was up to no good there! Alexis was beyond excited that she came to their house too! :)

Tyler and I had a date night while we attended the Exchange's Christmas party! It was really nice! They had a big dinner followed by the Marching Southerns performed Christmas songs for us and then to top off the night....Elvis made an appearance!
My Dirty Santa Christmas party! I look forward to this party every year! I hope to keep continuing to have it! I didnt get any pictures of the decorations...except the dessert table! :)
Cindy and Kristi...and their 'tacky sweaters' since it was a Tacky sweater party too!!
Love her!!....Becca!
Alexis had to make sure to be the life of the party!
 Us all playing Dirty Santa! Sooo fun!!!
And...the winners of the Tacky sweater contest!!! Tricia and Meg!! {Alexis was the one who chose! I think she did it because she actually liked their shirts because they had animals on them!!} :)
The next morning we woke up early and headed to Birmingham with the Grogan's to see The Polar Express at the Alabama Theater! It was SO nice!!
The kids got to visit Santa before the movie started!!

I told Kelly about it and her and her little family joined us! It is always sooo good to spend time with her!!
Lily sat in Daddy's lap and enjoyed the movie the whole time!!
The famous organ preformed before the movie started! We sang Christmas songs! SO fun!
After the movie..we headed to Newks for a GREAT lunch! YUM!
After lunch we did some shopping...followed by meeting our old...dear...friends Alison and James Michael Moyer for dinner! I got to finally meet their baby girl Annsley!! She was soo tiny and Laynee and Alexis LOVED helping her walk!!! :) :)
We had a long weekend with tons of fun things! We are tired but it was all worth it!!

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