Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas!! Santa actually came! :)

It was up in the air...and back and forth as to if Santa was going to allow the girls to be on the 'nice' list this year!! I think it was a struggle for him some days!!................


They did end up on the nice list per Ella Jingle, so Alexis was relieved!! :) :)

The girls woke up extra early and were SO excited to see what all Santa brought them!

Alexis was more thrilled to see that Santa drank the milk and ate the cookies that she put out for him!

The girls had a great Christmas morning with playing with everything that Santa brought before getting ready and going to Nan and Pawpaw's to open gifts and eat Christmas lunch! YUM!!

After we left Nan and Pawpaw's, we headed to Nannie and Hogan's for Christmas day..night..Reese Christmas for dinner and more presents! SO fun!!

Santa came...Santa came!! Whoo hoo!!
Lily had to try on her Frozen pajama dress that Santa brought!!
Alexis loves her hot pink slippers!!
Then Lily had to try on her Doc McStuffin's doc outfit!!
And ride around our living room and dining room on her new scooter!!
We got cleaned up and headed to Nan and Pawpaw's for lunch and presents!

The girls love opening gifts!!
Alexis and Daddy testing out Alexis' new keyboard that she got!
Next on the stop...Nannie and Hogan's! The whole crew there to eat dinner, open gifts and play Dirty Santa!

Alexis loves her porcelain doll

Never a dull moment!! 'A Christmas Story!!'...Reese style!!
This little stinker is such a stinker! She wouldnt let Meg's leg go! Meagan had to drag her around! :)

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