Saturday, June 20, 2015

Breaking news!!! First tooth GONE!

The day has finally come!!!!....

Alexis has been wanting a tooth gone since she was in kindergarten and all of her friends began loosing teeth!

It got so bad at one point that I was constantly having to get on to her to keep her fingers out of her mouth because she would be wiggling each tooth ALL the time checking on them!!!

Even with me trying to explain to her that it is okay...and a good thing...that she hasnt lost any teeth yet, she still wasnt buying it! :)

She came home one day from school {1st grade} saying that there was no doubt that she was going to loose a tooth because Ms. Harper was SO good at pulling teeth that she was going to pull hers out! :) :) {Even though NONE were loose at all!} :) :)

I was one of the last to loose my teeth too when I was growing up so I remember and feel her pain!...

But today!!....

Marked the day that she is now in the 'club!' :)

Her tooth has been loose for about a week but it wasnt until yesterday that it was really bothering her and she was really ready to have it out.

She went through a small phase where she said she didnt want it out but I think that was just because she was nervous.

Daddy tried last night to get it out and it just wasnt ready.

She told me this morning that she wanted me to pull it and it took me until this afternoon to get up enough courage to do it!

I do NOT like that kind of thing and not knowing how she was going to act either...just made me sick at my stomach! :)

So, I finally said 'Okay, Alexis, let's do this!'..... and I propped her up on the kitchen counter and started working on it!

I couldnt get it with my fingers and she was nervous so it made me more nervous and I just couldnt do it.

So, I decided to get a paper towel.

I put it over the tooth...and to my very big surprise, I wiggled it some back and forth and pulled up....and it just POPPED out!:)

Alexis was shocked how fast it happened and was SO surprised and happy that she didnt even shed a tear!!

When I popped it out, I jerked so hard that I dropped the paper towel and therefore I dropped the tooth and it almost went down the sink! THANK GOODNESS, it landed and stayed right on the edge!! {WHEW!!}

She cracked me up for about an hour after I pulled it because she wouldnt stop smiling and acted like she couldnt move her lips or talk! I was dying laughing inside!! I explained to her that just because she had a missing tooth, she could still work her lips and mouth and talk!!!

She was SO proud of that tooth being out!!

She called Daddy first and told him because he just so happened to have ran to Walmart during all the action!

When he got home she just could not contain herself to show him!!

She put her tooth a the most precious box that Aunt Pam got her to keep her tooth safe!

She was very quick tonight to go to bed and can NOT WAIT to see what the Tooth Fairy brings in the morning!!

My baby is growing up!!!.....time please slow down!!

Her beautiful smile before she grew up on me! :)
 It just happened and HAD to call Daddy!!
There it is!!! Look at the proud and SO happy adorable smile!!!
So proud of herself!!
This little Tooth Fairy box is just adorable and it was sooo cute watching her so excited as she put her little bitty tooth in it to keep it safe!! Aunt Pam got her that box a long time ago and it has finally been put to use! :)
Soooo, she woke up this morning...and the Tooth Fairy brought her $5 bucks!! Yep, I hope the Tooth Fairy did that because it was her very first tooth and doesnt make it a habit!! :) :) :)

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