Monday, June 29, 2015

Goodbye my best friend....

And so it begins...................

She is all grown up and refuses to act like a 'little kid Mommy!'............

I have struck a deal with the devil...and there is no going back.....    :( :( :(

Alexis has been resisting wearing bows for a couple of months now...

I mean really refusing to keep them in.

She says that she is too grown up to wear bows in her hair and that the bows I put in are waaayyyy too big!

Talk about breaking this Momma's heart!......

For the past several months now....I told her that I would make a deal with her.

If she would wear the bow {and this is each and everyday that I have had to say this} that when she turns 7......................... she will not have to wear bows anymore.

Yes, I know...

I said it...

No more bows.

I dont know what I am going to do...

I just LOVE her in bows....and it is just going to kill me to see her without them because it is going to be a constant reminder of me making this 'deal with the devil' and the fact that she is all grown up on me!

She has been cracking me up because she has agreed to this deal....

but she smushes the bows flat to her head and it looks absolutely crazy but she thinks it looks good because the bow is smaller! :) :)

It is hilarious!!!

This past weekend when Meg and Mal were with us.... Mal asked her why her bow was so flat on her head and to come to her and she would fix it before we left for Church.

I had to explain to Mal what she has been doing to the bows because she doesnt want to wear them anymore! Mal busted out laughing. Thank goodness, Alexis let her 'fluff' it! :)

I have until Thursday........

Thursday marks a whole new journey that I will be living in....

pray for me now! :) :)

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