Sunday, June 28, 2015

Seeing double!...

We saw double all weekend with Meagan and Mallory spending the weekend with us!!

We enjoyed having them SOOOO much!

Alexis wanted them to move in with us!...................I would be fine with that! :) :)

We didnt have any real big events planned. It was nice to just hang out and catch up with the girls before they go off into the 'real world' once their 'real world' jobs begin soon!!

Racing down the road! Fun memories!!
Once Mal and Meg got to our house, we loaded up and treated them to Jefferson's! They loved it and the atmosphere was fun. When we got home, we just enjoyed being outside and riding bikes and scooters, playing and watching movies!
How does he do it? Mal couldnt even ride Alexis' bike because it is so small....but look at him go! :)
Chillin with the big girl!...
And chillin with the little stinker!....
We got up bright and early and headed to Terrapin Creek to canoe and kayak! Loved hanging out with them and laughing the whole time!
On the way to the drop spot....we rode in a van that literally had only one window! It was sooo early in the morning that it was sort of chilly! :)
We made it! It was a beautiful day!! There was a really high chance of rain and it completely went away and we had perfect weather!!
The pros! :)
Love my view!! :)
We ended the afternoon with a nice nap...yes, Meg and Mal LOVE our couch! :) :) And then Tyler made his famous steaks as we cooked out! Later on, we headed to Sonic for some fun drinks and I gave the girls a VIP tour around campus and our neighborhood! Great ending to a great day!

The girls enjoyed going to our Church this morning and then having lunch at House of Chen after! The girls were excited to eat there for the first time because they said that House of Chen was where Lana met Vic's parents for the first time when they started dating! Sooo sweet! :)
After lunch the girls headed back to Birmingham! Alexis told them that she wanted them to move in with us! Alexis and Lily were sad to see them go! :)
Later on this afternoon, we met the Grogans at Baja and then they came over and played for awhile since they were in town. They are packing up and getting their final things moved over to Georgia!
We had a great weekend catching up with friends and family!

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