Thursday, June 18, 2015

Party of 7 continued!....

Rounding out of trip in more pictures!!..........

These two could not be pulled away from the pool! They are little fish! doubt about it!!
Alexis has gotten even better with her swimming and diving! She mastered it last summer but has gotten even better so far this summer!!
The girls loved meeting friends at the pool and playing and playing!!
And the girls loved having Pawpaw as a swim playmate too! :)
This Lily bug is a water bug!!!
This little girl right here in this picture just cracks me up! She has an itty bitty booty and it just made me laugh so hard to see her little booty crack! She didnt care it was showing to the world...she was too busy playing and swimming!! :) :) :)
The big bull at Angelos! They look so little compared to this huge thing!!
Sweetie pie!! I could just squeeze her to death!!!
Nan and Alexis enjoyed a yummy dessert after their steaks at Angelos!!
And 'tracker' time!! Lily cracked me up! She LOVED...I mean LOVED riding the 'trackers' with Daddy! That girl smiled the entire time she rode and made sure to wave at all of us watching her as she raced passed us!! She cracked me up calling the go-carts trackers!!! She had so much fun riding that she begged her Daddy to ride with her again! {And they did a couple of nights later!!}
Alexis and I had fun riding together too!!! They both thought they were really driving while we rode!! :)
The fun didnt stop this afternoon! After 'tracker' riding....we played miniature golf!!
They picked out their ball colors and were ready to go!
The gang playing some rounds!!
Daddy helped Lily learn to play since it was her very first time! She enjoyed running around on the greens while everyone was trying to put more than actually playing!!

My guy and I! He played awesome as usual and beat all of us!!
Striking another pose!!
This girl should FOR SURE go to Hollywood!! I mean really....look at this face she is making! If you didnt know this was a fake alligator, it looks real!!...especially by her face reaction!!
We hit Pineapple Willy's for dinner after a big storm blew through!! Pawpaw and his most favorite little one! :)
The girls hanging out!!
My guy and I again! :)
Family picture! It is hard to get!!
This picture sums up Lily perfectly! This was her face the entire times she rode the 'trackers'!!!
Final night out at Captain Andersons! Group picture!! :)
 Stayed tuned..............beach family picture post coming soon!!.................

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