Thursday, June 18, 2015

Law beach of 7!

The Law family beach trip is coming up!

We have been waiting for this trip for months and it is so sad that it has now come and gone!

We got up bright and early and hit the road {before fueling up at Cracker Barrel!!...of course we have priorities of eating first!!} :)

Once we were good and full, we made the trip to Panama City beach for a full week at Shores of Panama!! It was a HUGE place and we were on the 15th floor! Talk about a view from the balcony!! Besides being scared for my life a couple of times in the very cramped and tiny parking deck rides, it was a beautiful place to stay.

The weather was a little crummy for a couple of days but we still enjoyed the pool and beach when the skies cleared and luckily the storms passed every afternoon so we still got to enjoy our beautiful beach afternoons!

We did everything from swimming in the ginormous pool, playing in the sand, swimming in the ocean, finding seashells, eating...more eating, shopping, eating more, playing putt putt, riding 'trackers' {per Lily} or go-carts, eating ice-cream, catching sun rays, playing cards, and more!!

We had a packed full week with Brandi, Nan and Pawpaw!

We are loaded down and ready to go! Thank goodness we had no rain on the way down and back {for our luggage's' sake!!}
Tyler and my room! It was so cute and kind of reminded me of both girls' rooms at home!
The view from the back. Brandi and Nan and Pawpaw's rooms and bathrooms were off to the right. I hate the picture turned out blurry!
Balcony view! We were high!!! It was really neat to see all the storms coming up from the ocean from here!
We decided to head for a late dinner of fish tacos! Once we finally found the was worth it! :)
Lily working on her swim game! :)     She was no afraid of the ocean this year at all...but in the pool, she hated taking her floatie off!...
Strike a pose!! When it is stormy....we hit the shops! I told them to 'pose' and this is what I got! Lily cracks me up!!
Yayy!!!..............for sunshine!! We hit the beach!!
The girls LOVED playing 'cooking' with the sand and their toys! They made me everything under the sun! {And it was all soooo yummy too!} :) :)
Playing in the sand!!
Pawpaw enjoyed coming to the beach with us! Alexis and Lily loved burying his feet in the sand!
Alexis buried her own feet in the sand too!
I cant wait to show this picture to Lily when she is ohhh...say the teen ages. She will be so embarrassed!....but I think it is adorable!! She was ready to hit the waves!! This girl LOVED being the ocean!
This girl is just too grown! She loved laying out and getting a tan!!
Daddy and Lily out surfing!!
Alexis decided she wanted her whole body 'covered in sand Mommy!' that is what I did. Then she wanted me to make a 'cup holder' for her Capri Sun!! :) :)

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