Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Life lately

Life lately has been full Summer swing!

We have hit Summer with a bang and have not slowed down!

We have been chasing fireflies, eating honeysuckles, swimming, enjoying outside, bike rides, snow cones, and more!

Between honeysuckles and fireflies....these two girls are loving everything about Summer!
Lily is not scared at all as she catches her fireflies!!
They collected a TON of them and then when we were done, they set them free again! :)
SAD day!! Today marked the last week the Grogans are going to be in Jacksonville! They are leaving us for Georgia and we are so sad! We wish them the best and we will for sure keep in touch!!
We celebrated them finally being able to move! So happy for them!!
We topped off Pizza Hut by having Kona Ice! I took this picture right when Walker dumped his on the table by accident! Luckily they were nice and let him have another one! :)

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